“CNRE” is a registered Non-Government Organization, working for GREEN ENERGY DEVELOPMENT.
Welcome To CNRE
“CNRE” is Established under the Societies Registration Act XXI, 1860, and established on 28 December 2007, by the group of enterpenure working in renewable energy field.
AIMS and objects:
To associate and coordinate with All Government Agencies / NGOs to create awareness and promote usage of Renewable Energy products/ technology among the common people.
CNRE is working in socio economic upliftment of enterpenures working in Renewable Energy field.
To make representation to Government Authorities regarding any matter directly or indirectly affecting CNRE members and to secure wherever possible by taking legal and lawful action for the solution of problems of the members.
To approach various agencies and authorities for providing necessary / relevant facilities for R&D work and other help to members.
To organize various social, cultural and educational programs for the welfare of members and general public.
To organize conferences, seminars, press conferences, exhibitions, meetings and other lawful gatherings to create awareness about the renewable energy program.
To collect information about the policies from the Government Agencies/ NGOs and also provide the same to the members.
To work for implementation of New Technology in Renewable Energy Sector
To create self employment by providing training and open service/repair center through out the India.